Monday, February 6, 2012


Jill and I both arrived back to our respective homes following a wonderful adventure of Spanish travel. I will use the next few days to show you a little more about our experiences. Today I'll start with one of my favorite subjects...Spanish Jamon!

Spain is the land of the jamon (ham) and there are plenty of varieties to choose from. Jill and I tried as much as we could and can vouch for its deliciousness. The Spanish can purchase their jamon on the bone from the local grocery store and it looks nice and pretty on display.

I wonder how long it takes the average family to eat an entire leg of ham. Regardless, the following photo is a sign of a good ham...

One night while in Seville we ordered Jamon Iberico with eggs and potatoes. It was very good, of course, and made me want to ship a leg of ham back to America!

There are about as many ways to serve ham as varieties. While in Toledo we had our ham on a sandwich accompanied by patatas bravas at a tapas bar that Zac recommended. Yum.

Don't forget breakfast! While in Cordoba we had ham along with our cafe con leche and croissants. I especially liked the ham pictured on the left as it was much like Italian prosciutto.

As you can imagine I LOVED all of the ham we had, but by the end of our trip Jill was getting a little tired of it. At this meal we compromised and had our ham on pizza!

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